LEGO Batman: The Videogame

General stats

Total PlaytimeTotal AttemptsFinished AttemptsCompletion %
1659 hours178709325.22
Total Playtime1659 hours
Total Attempts17870
Finished Attempts932
Completion %5.22


NameBest run
Total playtimeFinished/Total AttemptsTotal uploads
Hero27:23 (kwazrr_)885 hours407/9186 (4.43%)1841
Hero room splits34:56 (DaHamster1)401 hours160/4913 (3.26%)1
Villain23:44 (kwazrr_)160 hours113/1533 (7.37%)677
All Episodes55:07 (kwazrr_)56h 52m26/267 (9.74%)82
ep215:12 (CaptainPaxo6746)1:12:274/6 (66.67%)4
Episode 213:25 (Flaming_Lazer)42:332/24 (8.33%)24
ep119:30 (CaptainPaxo6746)41:002/2 (100.00%)3
The Joker's Return (Hero, Story, Solo)18:21 (gustative)36:571/7 (14.29%)8

Recent Finished Runs

Time AgoCategoryRunnerTime
19 hours agoVillainCaptainPaxo674654:08
2 days agoVillainDaHamster134:03
3 days agoVillainDaHamster134:38
4 days agoVillainDaHamster135:54
4 days agoVillainDaHamster135:46
4 days agoHeroCaptainPaxo674653:09
5 days agoVillainDaHamster135:43
5 days agoVillainDaHamster136:01
5 days agoHeroCaptainPaxo674658:18
5 days agoep2CaptainPaxo674616:39
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